How does Rumpel compare to others?

While we’re excited about market diversity, and respect the builders in this space, we see a few structural limitations that will prevent the onchain points ecosystem from flourishing:

  • Whales & Bubbly requires additional collateral from the seller & caps the maximum payout for point buyers

  • Fixed-rate protocols, such as Pendle, Spectra, and Hourglass, don’t allow YT holders to resell earned points. Moreover, their point sellers’ principal is subject to liquidity if they want to withdraw early.

  • Pichi & Agent markets aren't designed to trade singular point exposures, limiting user preference and flexibility

Rumpel solves all of these issues by allowing users to wrap each point they’ve earned into a Rumpel Point Token, unlocking:

  • Deeper liquidity - Single Univ3 pool serving all point token volume and price discovery

  • Maximum flexibility - All point boosts are supported; any points a user can earn can be tokenized. Single point token markets for fine-tuned risk management

  • Uncapped upside - Point buyers get exposure to the point’s full airdrop payout

  • Highly capital efficient - Sellers need not pledge any capital to sell their point exposure.

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